Zion Lutheran has had over thirty devoted pastors in its 200 years and has served several thousand fellow Lutherans. We are a family, an intergenerational and large family. We continue today as a vibrant parish serving the community by “Serving Christ through Serving Others”
In 1826, the village of Tippecanoe would not be in existence for another fourteen years, however it was then that our church was born. Several families belonging to the German Reformed and Lutheran faiths decided to construct a building for the purpose of a meetinghouse and school. A burying ground was to be included. Jacob Worman, a local farmer of substance, on January 21, 1826, deeded a small tract of land on what is now South Hyatt Street to the trustees of the German Reformed and Lutheran Church, namely John Ritter, Jacob Favorite and George Gump.
Our first church was a simple structure constructed of logs cut from the building site and the nearby hardwood forest. The floor was planked and rough-hewn benches were installed. The first pastor came as a result of petitioning the New York Synod of the Reformed Church. His name was John Pantz. Pastor Pantz stayed with and nourished our church until 1839. His devoted leadership no doubt is majorly responsible for the survival of our church in its infancy.
Sometime around 1840, the German Reformed members and the Lutherans decided to part. A Lutheran congregation was organized from the members of the original church and they continued to worship at the little log church on South Hyatt Street under the name of the Worman Church. A new pastor was called, his name was A.S. Link. Pastor Link also served three other congregations in the area. He preached in both German and English. He played an important role in the early history of our church in that he strengthened the doctrine of Lutheranism in this area and consolidated our congregation as Lutherans. At the urging of Pastor Link and the lay leaders of the old Worman Church, a new building site was acquired on February 6, 1847, in the new town of Tippecanoe. This is the same lot where our present church is located. At that time the lot was on the very western edge of town and still in the woods. It was deeded by John Clark, the town’s founder, to the trustees of the newly named Evangelical Lutheran Church, John Ritter, Jacob Rohrer and John Sanders. John Ritter, a successful farmer, donated two thousand dollars toward the building of the new church. It is reported that the total cost of the structure was slightly over thirty two hundred dollars. The old log Worman Church was abandoned and left to ruin, but the deeded property and cemetery remained in the ownership and care of our church. The corner stone for the new church was laid on July 16, 1847. This new church was the talk of the county! Brick was used in its construction, and no cost was spared in the quality and beauty of the building. Upon the death of John Ritter, he bequeathed a lot on the corner of Main and Third Streets and two thousand dollars for the purpose of building a parsonage. The parsonage was built and there it stood until 1920. Pastor Link moved to Lancaster, Ohio in 1848 but Pastor Link returned as our Pastor in June 1861. He served here until his death on March 30, 1862. Sometime during the period of 1847 and 1850, our church began to be known as the English Lutheran Church. After Pastor Link’s no new pastor was called until late in 1863. Preoccupation with the Civil War and the terrible carnage war was brought home to Tippecanoe by our soldiers returning maimed. Many families were mourning the deaths of their young men. Then came Pastor Solomon Weills. Under his leadership the church experienced a new birth, and it was found then, as now, great comfort and solace can be found in the walls of our church.
From 1866 through 1894 seven pastors served our church. In 1894, a new church building was planned, and enough money was donated and pledged to ensure this would happen. It has been reported the women of the church were mainly responsible for this new vision and would not permit their dream of a new church to go unfulfilled, hence the destruction of the old, and the laying of the cornerstone of our present building on August 5, 1894. On May 5, 1895, the new church building was dedicated. It was a short time after this that the name of the church was changed from the English Lutheran Church to Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. The capstone over the entrance to our church still reflects the “English Church” name as it was originally installed when the building was constructed. T.C. Leonard and family, on Easter Sunday, 1895 gave the bell currently ringing in our belfry to the church. During 1906 the church was remodeled to include the upstairs Sunday school rooms. This same year our church, under the direction of Pastor W.F. Rangeler, was instrumental in establishing the Feghtly Home for Women. Also 1906 saw the establishment of a Sunday School Library loaning books to children of the community for many years. All the books were eventually given to the local Public Library when it was established. In 1916, a vacant lot on the northwest corner of Third and Main was purchased from the heirs of the John Kantz estate for five thousand dollars. The clearing away of the Kantz home opened the corner to an unobstructed view of the church, and afforded the opportunity for landscaping and the installation of our church sign. The parsonage built in 1862, on the southwest corner of Third and Main Streets was moved in 1920, to a location on Third Street adjacent to the church.
n the 1920’s under the direction of Pastor Edward R. Capewell, Vacation Bible School was established with more than 300 children coming to Zion. The late twenties and thirties were concerned with all the trials and tribulations of The Great Depression. Zion and our entire community were hard hit by the economic woes of the time. Zion worked with many of the local churches to make sure food was available to those most in need. Food and clothing banks were established with Zion members in the forefront of the effort. Since money was scarce, our members planted gardens larger than their families needs and gave the surplus, both fresh and home canned, to the benevolent cause. During World War II, part of our corner lot was fenced off and was a collection spot for scrap metal. There was a large billboard listing all those serving in the war.
In 1954, a “Building Council” was formed to investigate and make recommendations for updating the church building. The majority of church members embraced the plan enthusiastically, and in a relatively short time donations of $25,000 were available. During 1955, a professional fund raising firm was employed, and a successful “Church Construction Canvass” of members began to accumulate the additional funds.
On All Saints Day of November 1, 1964, a rededication service was held in a new modernized sanctuary completed with new pews, altar, choir loft, and a modern Allen electronic organ. The sanctuary of today remains much as it was on the day of rededication.
In 1976, we celebrated our 150th anniversary with a series of monthly programs culminating with a sumptuous dinner serving the fare of our 1826 founders. Near one hundred and fifty members attended filling the basement and upstairs. The research work done in preparation for our 150th year brought to light the fact that the very place of our beginnings, the old cemetery on South Hyatt Street, was no longer a part of the life of our church. Sadly, this was true even though it was the final resting place of many of our founders and early members. Investigation proved the gravestones had been vandalized and the location of our first church building was being utilized for growing budded fruit trees. The remaining property was grown up in a tangle of trees and brush. A Cemetery Restoration Committee was formed and work begun to reclaim the propertyand bring it into the province of our congregation. In 1978, a large stainless steel cross was installed thus permanently marking the location of the little log church where our history began. In 1990 a stone wall, eighty-five feet long, was constructed behind the cross. Many of the broken and vandalized head stones were incorporated in the wall as a means of preserving them. The precious place of our beginnings is now and forever rightfully back in the mainstream of our church.
Our church entered the 1990’s by calling a new pastor, Steven Gellatly. The nineties saw major progress in several areas. The music of the church was enhanced by the 1991 purchase of the new state-of-the-art organs. In 1998 a new electronic keyboard and a magnificent set of hand bells were acquired. In 1996 ten acres of prime land was purchased on Kerr Road. Saturday evening services were commenced in 1999. The Kerr Road property was sold when a firm decision was made to remain in our old historic church building at Third and Main Streets with renewed appreciation for the gift of those who preceded us. To that end, it was decided to acquire houses on the city block that our church occupies. A professional fund raising firm was hired and the capital campaign “FAITH WORKS” was initiated. The campaign enabled us to break ground on a new addition in March of 2006. Most members were involved. There were committees for everything from design to dishes. Truly a team effort! Work proceeded rapidly and the new addition was dedicated in December of 2006. In September 2008, a second capital campaign was initiated to pay off the mortgage. This campaign was called “WORKING ON WITNESSING” or “WOW”. The Congregation AND the Community make good use of the new addition Fellowship Hall. Another decade saw our congregation under the leadership of Pastor Jeff Glawe who accepted our call in 2014. Pastor Glawe served as a faithful pastor of Zion for six years. He empowered lay members to take ownership of the community and was a spiritual mentor to all. Pastor Glawe was able guide the community towards seeing themselves as a family of believers. He ensured that power was shared amongst members of the congregation and that the community would remain the heart of Zion Lutheran Church. Under his leadership, Zion Lutheran Church grew in many ways, not just in numbers, but spiritually and emotionally as well. Pastor Glawe would eventually retire in 2020.
After Pastor Glawe's retirement, Pastor Dale Schaeffer served as an interim pastor from 2020-2024. He brought the community together in search of a new identitiy. Who is God calling us to be? What future is God calling us towards? Pastor Dale provided excellent leadership to the congregation which was able to pay off the remaining mortgage meaning that the church was completely debt free. In 2023, Pastor Dale retired from ministry and another interim was called by the name of Pastor Sally Padgett. Pastor Sally came from a background in inner city ministry and led the congregation through the call process as they sought to call a new pastor. After being called in the summer, Pastor Jaren D. Summers began serving as the new pastor of Zion Lutheran Church on September 1, 2024. Fresh out of seminary at Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University (Columbus, OH), Pastor Summers brought newfound energy to the congregation and began leading them into the future God has called them to. This work continues today and we invite you to join us in this grand story of God's work throughout the ages.